Latest Announcements
- Huber Headliner – Click to DownloadThe newest edition of the Huber headliner has been released. This covers events happening at the Huber Opera House from April until July 2025! Download Here
- Hicksville Community ChatOn March 17th Defiance County Health department is seeking input from residents on health needs, strengths and challenges in your neighborhood. Please sign up by calling 419 784 37818 or emailing bfischer@defiancecohealth.org. Download Flyer

Sign up for Emergency Alerts!

Looking for a Career?
To apply fill out the application below completely and email to hixcs@defnet.com. Applicants can also stop at the Village and Deliver Applications in person.

Rent The Rotary Pavilion
The Hicksville Park allows the rental of the Rotary Pavilion. A 150 first day charge includes a 40 dollar deposit. Additional days are a 110 dollar per day charge. To rent please call 419 542 6138 Option 5.

New Online Tax Filing For Village Residents

Online Village Payments
Online Payments can now be made for Utilities, Tax Payments, and EMS Payments. A service fee will apply. Payments can be submitted with e-check, credit card, or debit card. Use Jurisdiction code 8409.