The Hicksville Police Department comprises eight commissioned sworn police officers, two commissioned part-time patrolmen, and two civilian office employees. Police services are provided twenty-four hours, seven days a week. The patrol area consists of 2.465 square miles and 23.75 miles of streets.
Thanks to the donations of the citizens and businesses of Hicksville, Ohio, the Hicksville Police Department has 1 K9 unit named Echo. K9 Officer Shane Balser and Echo completed rigorous training in 2024, and have already been serving the Village by finding lost children, drugs, guns, and other dangerous contraband.
Business office hours at the Hicksville Police Department are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Emergency and non-emergency calls are received and dispatched through the Defiance County Communications Center in Defiance, Ohio.
Certified ALERRT (Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training) Trainer on staff
This training is designed to equip first responders with effective strategies to respond to active threat events. If your organization is interested in working with the Hicksville Police Department on active threat plans, please contact the Hicksville Police Department at 419-542-6661 or email
General Information
Bike Registration
A bike can be stolen from just about any place, but simple precautions can deter would-be bike thieves. Registering and marking your bike can help protect you and serves as a deterrent. It also helps the police in identifying and returning a found or stolen bicycle to the owner. Provide the police department with bike information, make, model, serial number, speed, color, and other identifying marks. Cost is $1.00.
Golf Cart Inspection
Golf Carts can be operated on the village streets as adopted by village ordinance. Contact the police department for safety requirements to title and register a golf cart. An inspection will be completed and you will be provided with the necessary paperwork to take to the clerk of court for title issuance and registration. The golf cart inspections pertain only to village residents.
Parade Permits
Contact the police department for an application if you or your organization is planning a parade event.
Accident and Incident Report
The Hicksville Police Department has partnered with Lexus Nexis to provide online accident reports. You can purchase your reports online.

Officers can be reached via email below or by phone at 419-542-6661.
Andrew Fritch | |
Shane Balser – K-9 | |
Ross Becker | |
Garret Franz | |
Alex Jackson | |
Jason Tate | |
HIcksville Police Department
510 West High Street
HIcksville, Ohio 43526