Water Conservation
Water is a valuable resource. Please help conserve it by following these water-saving suggestions.
Toilets: Every time a toilet is flushed, about 7 gallons of water are used. Placing a plastic soap bottle filled with water in your tank will help conserve water. If you are replacing your toilet, special low water usage toilets are available.
Showers: Most showers pour out between 5 and 10 gallons of water per minute. That can add up in a hurry. To conserve water, minimum water usage shower heads are available. A partially filled bathtub uses far less water than a shower.
Running Water: Don’t let the water run while brushing your teeth, rinsing dishes, or cleaning vegetables.
Dishwashers: Automatic dishwashers claim the most water in kitchens; about 15 gallons per run. Most dishwashers have a “short” cycle that cleans as well as the long one.
Laundry: Most washers use more than 40 gallons of water per load. Save a full load and make your water usage more efficient.
Water Saving Devices: There are many water saving devices on the market today. Water flow adapters are available to control the flow in existing fixtures. However, flow is also controlled by your use of the faucets – turn them down to conserve.
Summer Time Water Use: More than half the water pumped into homes in the summer flows right back out through faucets and hoses. You do not have to let your lawn die or have a dirty vehicle to conserve water.
Lawns, Gardens, Flowers: The average lawn sprinkler uses 300 gallons of water an hour. Water your lawn only when it needs it. A good way to judge is to step on your grass; If it springs back up it does not need water; If it stays flat, it needs watering. To efficiently water a lawn use soaker hoses or built-in sprinklers on timers. Let the water sink in slowly. Lots of water applied fast only runs off into the gutters. If you let the water sink deep and water less often, the grass roots will develop deeper and thus need less watering in the future. Early morning hours are best for watering. Late afternoon or early evening watering leaves the lawn damp through the night allowing the growth of bacteria and fungus. Mulch placed around trees, shrubbery and flowers not only discourages weed growth, but will slow the evaporation of moisture.
Hoses: When washing vehicles and bicycles, don’t let the water run while you are washing. Use a shut off nozzle to avoid watering your driveway and sidewalks. Instead of letting your children place with the hose or run through sprinklers, purchase a kiddie pool. Remember, a sprinkler uses 300 gallons of water an hour.
Water Leaks
Household water leaks – seen or unseen, those you can hear and those that are silent – can cost an enormous amount, not only in terms of a high utility bill, but as a waste of hundreds of gallons of treated water. There are steps you can take proactively to try to prevent them.
Check your crawl space or basement periodically
Check your faucets – repair or replace worn out washers or defective fixtures
Make sure your outside water faucets are turned off at the tap and not at the hose nozzle
Check all appliances periodically for leaks (Hot water heaters, Water softeners, Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Ice Makers)
Toilets are notorious for a leak that remains “unseen” and “unheard” until you receive a high bill. Early detection is the key. If you hear the leak, you can be sure it has been there for some time.
This leak is silent until it is large enough to cause the flushing mechanism to start, which is the sound you hear. Until then you will not be able to detect this leak and it will run hundreds of gallons of water a month down the drain unchecked.
Toilet strips are available from the Utility Department at no charge (or you can use a drop of food coloring) Place strip (or drop of color) into the tank – let is set for 30 minutes If you have a leak you will find that the color has seeped down into the bowl.
A 1/16” hole in a water line @ 60psi can cause a daily usage of 360 gallons, or 11,160 gallons per month. Please do not wait for the Utility Department to send out a “high read” notice. A periodic check of your complete plumbing system is vital and highly recommended.
If you suspect you have a leak we encourage you to call the Utility Department for assistance. We will be happy to evaluate the problem at no charge during normal working hours.