Hicksville Union Cemetary

The 2024 Annual Financial Report (Cash Basis) for Hicksville Union Cemetery has been completed. For convenience and review, the entire report is available at Hicksville Village Hall, 111 South Main Street, Hicksville, M-F 8:00am-5:00pm. A summary of the report is as follows: General Fund -Total Cash Receipts $63,592; Total Cash Disbursements $76,275; Beginning Fund Cash Balance 01/01/2024 $27,248; Ending Cash Fund Balance 12/31/2024 $14,565. Endowment Fund Balances: 01/01/2024 $31,812; 4/18/2024 added CD $52,509 (Total $84,321) Interest Earned $2777; Ending Endowment Fund and CD Balance 12/31/2024 $87,098. 

Robin A Bauer, Clerk 

Hicksville Union Cemetery