HIX-TV is your local source for Village Council, school sports, community events, religious programing, and local music. We are a platform for local businesses, community organizations, and events with our quality programs and slide-show. Located in the new school, we offer hands-on training in the use of video cameras, live production, sound, and editing. With our valuable resources, the possibilities are endless!
- More than 80 percent of those with cable watch HIX-TV.
- More than 60 percent watch Village Council.
- More than 50 percent watch school activities and community events.
Contact information:
Bill Murphy
(419) 542 5281
Looking for a place to help out?
Have you considered helping produce any of the following programs?
- Village Council
- Local Sports
- School Activities
- Community Events
- Community Organizations
- Local Interviews
- Library
- Cooking
- Hunting
Not sure what you can do?
Would you be interested in any of the following areas of production? Remember, we offer training for those who are interested!
- Camera Work
- Commentating
- Editing
- Interviewing
- Producing Programs