The Mayor
Hicksville was founded in 1875 and is located on the extreme west edge of Defiance County, between Defiance and Fort Wayne, Indiana. The town has a population of 3581 with three state routes running through it which makes it ideal for business and industry. For more information regarding Economic Development, contact Defiance County Economic Development, 1300 East Second Street, Suite 201, Defiance, OH 43512. Email: or call 800-283-3342.
Recreational areas in town include a thriving park system (featuring sports facilities and the Hicksville pool). Additionally, Hicksville has been the home of the Defiance County Fair for well over 100 years. We have community parades in acknowledgement of Memorial Day, the HHS “ACES” Homecoming and our Christmas in the Village celebration, which kicks of the Yuletide season every year.
The assets of our community are many and varied. We have been blessed in recent years by significant economic progress, including an increase in new business and industry in town, and I hope to see this continue to grow.
With the use of our revolving loan fund we are able to provide low interest loans to companies that meet village requirements. This fund was established in 1985 for the prupose of attracting industry to Hicksville. In the past, it has been used very successfully to grow our downtown business district and industrial base.
Hicksville also has a local development fund. Under our “land for jobs” policy, our industrial park offers free building sites to companies that locate here and create new jobs. Hicksville’s on the threshold of an industrial park extension which will provide for future growth.
Above all, Hicksville’s greatest asset is, and always has been, its people. We are blessed with an amazing group of village employees who do their best to keep our village running as smoothly as possible. The level of community pride shared by so many of the residents and business owners in this town continues to amaze me, and I am grateful to all who do everything they can to make our town the best it can be.
I am committed to doing my best as village mayor and representing our community in a positive light.
Village Council
The Village Council is composed of six members elected at large for overlapping four year terms. The council must elect from its own members a president pro tem who serves a one year term. The president pro tem becomes acting mayor if the elected mayor is unable to perform his duties or is absent from the village. It is usual for council to divide itself into committees to study matters that come before council.
Council meetings are the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:00 PM.
Council Members
Council Committees
Police, Fire and EMS
- Ron Beverly, Chairman
- Toni Egly
- Rob Bailey
- Toni Egly, Chairman
- Eric Bassett
- Kent Miller
Street, Light, Property and Sidewalks
- Rob Bailey, Chairman
- Toni Egly
- Eric Basset
Water, Sewer and Refuse
- Kent Miller, Chairman
- Charlie Martin
- Ron Beverly
- Charlie Martin, Chairman
- Kent Miller
- Rob Bailey
- Eric Bassett, Chairman
- Charlie Martin
- Ron Beverly