Facilities and Distribution System
Hicksville’s drinking water is pumped from three (3) alternating wells, ranging from 139 feet to 183 feet in depth. The raw water is pumped to the treatment plant (put online 01/19/1987) where it is aerated to oxidize the dissolved iron and to dissipate the hydrogen sulfide gas. From there it falls into a 25,000 gallon detention tank where it is chlorinated for bacterial disinfection. The water is then pumped by three (3) alternating high service pumps through a master meter, and then through four (4) pressure filters (200 sq. ft. total) where the oxidized iron particles are removed. The water then continues into the distribution system which consists of:
- One 400,000 gallon elevated tank for pressure supply and reserve water storage
- Approximately 23 miles of 3” to 12” water mains
- More than 1,500 service lines and meters
- 900 meter pits and vaults
- More than 400 curb stops
- About 120 fire hydrants Over 250 3” to 12” main valves
Projects and Notification
When at all possible, prior notice will be delivered to your residence by flyer to notify you of any shut-off of service that may occur. However, in an emergency situation, this may not be possible. We regret these situations, but a main break or a damaged hydrant can cause back-siphoning and contaminate the entire water system. Flooding of streets and property is hazardous and costly. These are the situations that are high priority and demand immediate attention. We ask you to be patient if this occurs in your neighborhood. We will do our best to correct the problem and restore service as soon as possible.
Find Your Main Control Valve
Every home, apartment, and business should have a main control valve. In an emergency, such as a broken line, use this valve to shut off water to the entire house. If there is an emergency, you will need to act fast, so it is a good idea to mark your valve with a colorful ribbon, tape or paint so you can find it quickly. Before marking it, test it to be sure it is the correct valve and that it is in proper working order. If it is not working properly, call a plumber to repair or replace it. Maintenance of the valve is the responsibility of the homeowner, and keeping it in good repair is vital if there is any kind of plumbing leak or pipe breakage. The ability to locate the valve quickly and shut off the water will not only save you money on your next bill but may minimize damage to the property as well.
New Rules for Enclosing Interior Water Meters
A new procedure specifies how a meter enclosure is to be made. There are 4 requirements:
- 1. Enclosures can be made for meter sizes from 5/8” to 1”
- The enclosure must have a main control valve
- The opening must be no smaller than 2.5’x2.5’ and be centered directly in front of the meter setting
- The opening should have a hinged door and allow room for a container to catch backflow water
Primary Use for Exterior Curb Stop Valves
- To repair or replace customer’s water meter
- To discontinue customer service for non-payment
- To enable repair work on service line from curb stop to interior main hand valve
- To discontinue service, by request of the customer, for absence or moving
Please note: a curb valve measuring larger than 1” is the responsibility of the owner for maintenance.
Backflow Prevention
Water in our distribution system is pumped under pressure to your property. A main line break or damage to a fire hydrant can reduce pressure in the line and water can flow “backward” into the water system. If the water on your property is in contact with contaminants such as lawn or pool chemicals, it can, under these circumstances, contaminate the public water supply.
The Hicksville Water Department is responsible for assuring the safety of everyone’s drinking water, and has a Backflow Prevention program in place for your protection. Our personnel examine both new services and existing facilities to identify potential backflow hazards and require the installation of backflow prevention devices where needed.
For example: When a customer has an irrigation system installed, it must have a backflow prevention device in the system. You can also purchase backflow prevention devices at your local hardware store to attach to your outside faucet, or any place on your property where a faucet or hose is connected directly to contaminants. If you have any questions or would like to know more about backflow prevention, please call the Water Treatment Plant at (419) 542-6138 option 0.
Sewer Reduction Policy for New Lawns
Whereas; the introduction and early maintenance of newly seeded lawns are recognized as a critical and expensive undertaking for our customers; And whereas the Village of Hicksville realizes that the majority (if not all) of the water used to develop proper growth of new lawns does not enter a village sewer, a sewer-use adjustment may be considered by prior request of said undertaking.
“New” Lawns = A newly established grass lawn encompassing an entire lot or parcel. Excluded from consideration of this policy = Replacement patchwork or spot seeding on portions of existing lots or parcels.
- Requests for metering of “new” lawn developments must take place prior to the lawn projects, otherwise, the request may not be granted due to the inability of the utility to gather accurate water-use measurements.
- The water department must be contacted for a pre-inspection to take place before any watering begins.
- If granted, the water department will issue an outside spigot meter for a period of 60 days. The water measured through the spigot-meter will be the amount of sewer reduction applied to that application. The customer will pay the actual water used in full.
- At the end of the 60-day period, it is the customer’s responsibility to return the spigot-meter to the water department @ 111-113 South Main Street. Failing to do so may void any sewer-use reductions.
- If, for any reason, the spigot-meter is found to have been used for any other reason than its intended use, or found to have been used by anyone other than the assigned customer, all agreements will be null and void, whereas, the customer will be charged full water & sewer rates. Water theft penalties may apply!
- For sewer-use reduction requests, pre-inspections, and meter issuance, the customer may contact the Hicksville Water Plant @ (419) 542-6138 option *.
Irrigation Metering
At the request of Hicksville water customers for an “irrigation” setting, the following requirements are applicable: Note: Some applications for approval may be denied due to existing circumstances!
Applications and requirements for residents with existing domestic Metering Pits:
- The feasibility of a requested irrigation assembly installation must be pre-determined by the Hicksville Water Department prior to any possible approval for Sewer use reduction.
- A certified private contractor hired by the requesting customer will install all new irrigation systems in full.
- The feasibility and determination of the tapping location must be pre-approved and accepted by the Hicksville Water Department. *A new tap fee may apply, depending upon the distance between the water main and the current domestic metering pit.
- If approved, an “approved” meter pit, meter, and meter pit setting w/ backflow preventer must be ordered, obtained and purchased through the Hicksville Water Department at current costs.
- If it is pre-determined (by the Hicksville Water Department) that a tap could be made on the existing domestic service line, it must be tapped before (in front of) the existing domestic metering pit. The assistance of the Hicksville Water Department for copper crimping purposes is required!
- All new irrigation system taps (only) that require tapping into the villages water main that are ¾” or 1” in size will be exercised by the Hicksville Water Department at current tapping costs. Any taps larger than 1” in size will be the responsibility of the customer/contractor to perform, while paying a “general” tapping fee to the Village of Hicksville prior to any construction.
- The depth from the top of the meter pit lid to the top of the irrigation meter shall be no less than 1.5’ when installed.
Applications and requirements for residents with existing domestic Curb Valves:
- The feasibility of a requested irrigation assembly installation must be pre-determined by the Hicksville Water Department prior to any possible approval for Sewer use reduction.
- A certified private contractor hired by the requesting customer will install all new irrigation systems in full.
- The feasibility and determination of the tapping location must be pre-approved and accepted by the Hicksville Water Department.
- If approved, an “approved” meter pit, meter, and meter pit setting w/ backflow preventor must be ordered, obtained and purchased through the Hicksville Water Department at current costs.
- If it is pre-determined (by the Hicksville Water Department) that a tap could be made on the existing domestic service line, it must be tapped after (on the house side of) the existing domestic curb valve to prevent the need for line crimping.
- The depth from the top of the meter pit lid to the top of the irrigation meter shall be no less than 1.5’ when installed.
Future maintenance of the meter pit & setting is the sole responsibility of the homeowner, in accordance with Village Standards.
Keys, Kids and Dogs
If the Utility Department has a key to your property be sure it is the current one. If you change locks, please call the Utility department at (419) 542-8224.
If a representative of the Utility Department has an appointment to check, read or repair a meter within your home, please arrange for an adult to be on the premises.
Your dog may be a family pet, but it poses a threat to our meter reader. If the reader comes on your property to read your meter, the dog may see him as an intruder. Please confine your dog(s) in an area that does not interfere with the reader’s ability to get to your meter. If you are using an invisible fence, please notify the Utility Department at (419) 542-8224.